Saturday, 17 January 2009

There is only one cure for Recession

Sales, Sales, Sales!

So the most important people right now are not Bankers, Accountants, Lawyers, Adminstrators or even Marketers, they are Salespeople - the only people in business who create wealth; all others consume it.



Ballbag said...

Thats total bollocks Gareth, if i may say so.

Gareth Osborne said...

Hi Ballbag, Yep you can most certainly say that; its the very purpose of blogging, to share an opinion, and you are as entitled to yours as I am to mine.

Now given that your site is called 'HR with Balls'; which is the best oxymoron I've seen in years, I am hoping you are at least an earner (in terms of adding value to the world) and not a typical HR consumer of resource.


Ballbag said...

Indeed, its a great oxymoron. Up there with Sales Professionals. I am not quite a typical "HR consumer of resource" as I've been around a bit. But I'm no salesman either. The point is that salepeople are one, and only one, part of the whole chain.

With the gift of other talents working around them to create and provide products or services (consumers or not) to 'sell', provide the tools to help them 'sell' and the skills to be able to 'sell' in the first place they are impotent, stunted and useless.

In the wake of the global crisis we are in, I'm seeing world leaders and common folk alike call for many things to help bring us out of the recession, and I'm not sure about you, but I have yet to hear a common cry for more salespeople.

And then again, I've not heard a call for more HR people either.