Thursday 8 May 2008

The height of incompetence

Are the Banks getting more incompetent or is it just me (jokers beware here)?

Yes, I know they are an easy target but why is it that their administration can be so abysmal and yet their arrogance (and profit) remains at such an award winningly high level; it’s the way they talk down to you as though you simply don’t understand how complex banking must be.

In the last twelve months Barclays have completely lost a wire transfer of £267 from one business account to a supplier in India and then completely given up on me because I dared to suggest that they try and locate it! And then today Nat West has lost the papers that Colin and I filed to open a new business account – and that after going to the branch with passports and water bills in hand for "money laundering purposes" (I tried to explain we didn’t want to launder money but I think it must be compulsory these days).

If the recruitment industry acted this badly with paperwork and identity verification the Government would bring out another swathe of legislation to keep us in our place. Its time the Customer regained their throne – let the Banker beware.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, those thieving B****ds.

I am sorry, I just think they are so incompetent at Barclay's I would never go there again, they have no idea.

I did use Nat West and they were fine. The problem is it is all run by computers and algorithms.

Now when I bought my property in Spain we dealt with the MD, with no problems at all and when it came to exchanging contracts he came with us to pass the money to the seller in the solicitors office.

That's what you call service