Thursday 8 May 2008

All a matter of balance

As a former RAF pilot I learned at a very early age that keeping the various forces on your aircraft in balance was the fundamental skill required to ensure you have happy passengers and a safe flight.

Now, 30 years on, the balance may be totally different (and sadly far less exciting) but it is no less important and I have suddenly mastered the art of working from home and getting a far better work life balance than I ever have had before.

To all those who struggle into the office (especially in London) only to sit on their computer for ten hours before joining ‘the great unwashed’ on their journey home, I would say “Think about it.” I now only go into the office for meetings, cleverly arrange to coincide, and on the writing, thinking and doing days I work from my own desk, overlooking my own trees and breath a far less polluted combination of gases and feel much healthier for it. And on a sunny day (like today) the world seems a much happier place.

Working in London, especially in this weather, does have certain perks but, on balance, I think I’m far more effective in the Suburbs. I usually start at 6 am, work through to breakfast, work until lunch and again until I break for ‘Deal or No Deal’ and then do a bit more if I feel inclined or need to contact the far flung parts of the Empire. I can do three days work in one and regularly take a long weekend.

So to all my small business friends out there I would say “For once, you should do as I do not just as I say and work on your balance.”


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