Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Oh, that's alright then ....

Good news, our Head Bankers have apologised! That will probably make it OK then; normal service will be resumed and everyone will feel safe and secure in the knowledge that it was just a simple miscalculation. Funny how that excuse didn't work for my cash flow projections in the past!

Lord Stephenson, the former Chairman of HBOS said "The fundamental mistake of HBOS was the failure to predict the wholesale collapse of the wholesale markets."

It's a start but I think we need to see an awful lot more sincerity and greater humility in the coming weeks if they hope to regain the smallest shred of dignity.



Ballbag said...

Now on this I think you are definitely NOT talking bollocks Gareth. Quite how the chairman of the bank couldn't see the system collapsing i dont quite know, given he was paid vast amounts of money to do just that!

but then again, he was probably so busy working up elaborate remuneration schemes for him and his fellow execs at the trough that they didn't see it coming.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Bankers need bringing down a step or two. They have been Lording-it over businesses for too long and professing to be the Masters of All Things. It is time they recognised that they are just another busines support service; and not a very good one at that.

I would really love to send them a package of over designed and expensively printed jibberish about how to run their business and an accompanying invoice for the covering letter.
