Wednesday 9 April 2008

Worst nightmare possible for Recruiters

I have read with horror, if not surprise, news in the FT and on the REC website that the PM has been in 'secret' discussions with the EC to find a solution to the long held off 'Agency Workers Directive' or whatever it might be called in another guise. And worse that it is being stimulated by his new best mate President Sarkozy. My earlier blog 'Brown Nosing' 28th March also refers.

The Commission has been passionately keen to slip this one in through any available door or the slightest crack in the barracades. A number of good and strong industry champions have kept it at bay for more than 7 years; much to the annoyance of the French and the Commision, and never has it been more important to rally the Industry, mobilise resources and make an attack before we are left high and dry!

If the REC really wants to demonstrate that it has the interests of the Industry at heart it must do more than simply write to the PM. Its time for the Board to stand up and be counted; make some noise and shake your toys (as the Americans would say). It's yours to win or lose and the last person you would want to say "I told you so" is me.


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