Wednesday 12 March 2008

Agency Work Commission

I am delighted to see that the REC has this week (12th March) written to the Prime Minister confirming its support for a proposed Agency Work Commission. This is definitely the right action for the industry and it is encouraging that the Government is at last creating the environment for opposing factions to air their differences and try and find common ground; which definitely should exist.

I always personally believed, and regularly reported to the interested partners, that at least 80% of the original EU Agency Workers Directive was capable of immediate implementation and that sensible negotiation would have enabled that part to proceed, if only the more extreme elements could have been set aside for later debate. At my meetings with Brendan Barber, Secretary General of the TUC, I always offered to debate the issues and even commissioned an incredibly robust piece of work to impartially test the opinion of Agency Workers; sadly to no avail – other than to stall the introduction of adverse legislation.

The REC has done a stunningly good job holding off the European Commission’s demand, for what it sees as an equitable application of employment legislation, for over 7 years. Much of this was entirely due to the tireless efforts of the External Relations Team and me, during our respective interventions, but the time is now right for a new approach and the proposal for an Agency Work Commission could afford this.

I recommend the industry really does get on board and have its say.


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